Omar, E., Gabal, A., Alkharpotly, A., Radwan, F., Abido, A. (2018). Effect of Mineral, Organic and Bio-fertilization on Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Grown Under Plastic Houses Conditions. Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 23(3), 402-433.
Elsenosy Soliman Omar; Ali Adnan Gabal; Abdelbaset Abdelsameaa Alkharpotly; Fathy Ibrahim Radwan; Ali Ibrahim Abido. "Effect of Mineral, Organic and Bio-fertilization on Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Grown Under Plastic Houses Conditions". Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 23, 3, 2018, 402-433.
Omar, E., Gabal, A., Alkharpotly, A., Radwan, F., Abido, A. (2018). 'Effect of Mineral, Organic and Bio-fertilization on Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Grown Under Plastic Houses Conditions', Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 23(3), pp. 402-433.
Omar, E., Gabal, A., Alkharpotly, A., Radwan, F., Abido, A. Effect of Mineral, Organic and Bio-fertilization on Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Grown Under Plastic Houses Conditions. Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 2018; 23(3): 402-433.
Effect of Mineral, Organic and Bio-fertilization on Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Grown Under Plastic Houses Conditions
1Plant Production Department, The Faculty of Agriculture (Saba Bash), Alexandria University, Egypt.
2Horticulture Department, The Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Aswan University, Egypt.
31Plant Production Department, The Faculty of Agriculture (Saba Bash), Alexandria University, Egypt.
Two greenhouse experiments were conducted during 2014/ 2015 and 2015/2016 seasons to layout beneficial fertilization protocol enhances the production and quality of sweet pepper under plastic houses. The target fertilization program seeks to achieve the best combination of various fertilizers (bio-, organic and inorganic) that lead to the highest yield and quality of produced sweet pepper especially during the winter season. Therefore, thirteen treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design with three replicates as follows; mineral fertilization at rates of (0, 25, 50 and 75% NPK from recommended dose) and chicken manure at the rates of (5, 10 and 15m3/fed.). All treatments were studied in the presence of a mixture of multi strains inoculants (microbien). Also, the recommended doses of N, P and K fertilizers for pepper plant were put in consideration as a comparable control treatment (100% NPK). The obtained results demonstrated that the treatment combination of microbein + 75% NPK of recommended fertilization + chicken manure at 15 m3/ fed. brought about the highest significant mean values of most studied characters as vegetative growth characters (i.e. plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves/plant, number of branches /plant, plant fresh weight and plant dry weight); fruit setting percentages character; yield characters {i.e. No. fruits /plant, average fruit weight (g), percentage of fruit dry matter, early fruit yield /plant (kg), early yield/m2 (kg) , total yield per plant (kg) and total yield/m2 (kg)}; fruit quality (i.e. fruit length and diameter, TSS %, vitamin C, and non-reducing fruit sugars); chemical analysis characters (viz, a, b and total chlorophyll and N, P, K contents in leaves and fruits ) during both seasons of the study as compared to the other treatments. Plants fertilized with either microbein without NPK plus 5m3 /fed. of chicken manure; recorded the least time that spanned or elapsed to occur the first flowers of pepper "Top Star F1" plants during both seasons of the study. Results, also, declared that the combination of microbien+75 NPK of recommended dose + 15 m3/fed. chicken manure showed the highest significant means of days spanned to the first flower appearance during both seasons, i.e. delay flowering compare to other treatments. In the case of number of flowers/ plant character, the treatments of microbien+ either 50 or 75%NPK of recommended dose+ either 10 or 15 m3/fed. chicken manure in the first season, the treatment of microbien+75% of recommended dose +15 m3/fed. chicken manure in the second season, showed the highest significant mean values. Based upon, the reported results, it is possible to conclude that, the combination among microbein + 75% NPK of recommended fertilization +15 m3/fed. of chicken manure considered as the optimal combination treatment whereas, it gave the highest mean values of vegetative growth characters, yield and its components and fruit quality of pepper plants grown under plastic houses conditions.
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