El- Banna, M., Nassar, M., Hussein, M., Ismail, A., El Sheikh, E. (2018). Effect of Nitrogen and Compost Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet. Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 23(3), 434-443.
Mohamed Nageeb El- Banna; Mohmed Abdelgawad Nassar; Magda Abo El-Magd Hussein; Ahmed Mohmed Ismail; Eman El Sheikh. "Effect of Nitrogen and Compost Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet". Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 23, 3, 2018, 434-443.
El- Banna, M., Nassar, M., Hussein, M., Ismail, A., El Sheikh, E. (2018). 'Effect of Nitrogen and Compost Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet', Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 23(3), pp. 434-443.
El- Banna, M., Nassar, M., Hussein, M., Ismail, A., El Sheikh, E. Effect of Nitrogen and Compost Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet. Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 2018; 23(3): 434-443.
Effect of Nitrogen and Compost Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet
1Faculty of Agriculture (Saba- Basha), Alexandria University
2Faculty of Agriculture (Saba- Basha), Alexandria University.
3Sugar Crops Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt.
The present field experiment was conducted at Km 71 West Nubaryia, Alex. Cairo Desert Road, El- Behiera Governorate, Egypt during the two successive seasons, 2015/ 16 and 2016/ 17 to study the effect of nitrogen and compost fertilization on yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris,L.) cultivar polygerm (cv. MK4016), which was obtained from Sugar Crop Research Institute Agricultural Research Center, Giza. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks in three replicates. The nitrogen and compost fertilization treatments were applied as follows: T1( 100kgN/ fed),T2( 50 kgN/ fed + 3.5 ton plant compost/ fed),T3( 50kgN/ fed + 3.5 ton mixed compost/ fed),T4( 7 ton plant compost/ fed) and T5( 7 ton mixed compost/ fed) where mixture of compost includes both 60% plant and 40% animal composts.The main results could be summarized as follows: All characters of yield and quality were significantly affected by the previous mentioned treatments. The treatment of (50kg N/ fed + 3.5 ton mixed compost/fed), gave the highest values of root fresh weight,leaves fresh weight and total fresh weight. Also the same treatment gave the highest values of root, top and sugar yields/ fed , sucrose% and T.S.S% of sugar beet during the two growing seasons. However, the treatment (50kg N/fed+3.5ton plant compost/fed) achieved the highest value of purity % in the first season, meanwhile the treatment (7 ton mixed compost/fed) recorded the highest one in the second season.
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