Ali, M., Ezz, T., Harhash, M., Abd El-Megeed, N., El-Demerdash, H. (2018). Fruit Yield, Quality and Shelf Life of ''Anna'' Apple Trees as Affected by Soil Mulching and Foliar Application of Natural Materials. Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 23(3), 466-483.
Mahmoud Ahmed Ali; Thnaa Mustafa Ezz; Mohmed Mohmed Harhash; Nagwa Abd El-Megeed; Hamdy El-Demerdash. "Fruit Yield, Quality and Shelf Life of ''Anna'' Apple Trees as Affected by Soil Mulching and Foliar Application of Natural Materials". Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 23, 3, 2018, 466-483.
Ali, M., Ezz, T., Harhash, M., Abd El-Megeed, N., El-Demerdash, H. (2018). 'Fruit Yield, Quality and Shelf Life of ''Anna'' Apple Trees as Affected by Soil Mulching and Foliar Application of Natural Materials', Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 23(3), pp. 466-483.
Ali, M., Ezz, T., Harhash, M., Abd El-Megeed, N., El-Demerdash, H. Fruit Yield, Quality and Shelf Life of ''Anna'' Apple Trees as Affected by Soil Mulching and Foliar Application of Natural Materials. Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 2018; 23(3): 466-483.
Fruit Yield, Quality and Shelf Life of ''Anna'' Apple Trees as Affected by Soil Mulching and Foliar Application of Natural Materials
1Plant Production Dept., Faculty of Agric., Saba Bacha, Alex. Univ
2Hort. Res. Institute, Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt
rootstock, in a sandy soil under drip irrigation system in a private orchard This study was carried out during the two successive seasons 2015 and 2016 on seven years old "Anna" apple trees (Malus domestica L.) budded on Balady located at El-Nubaria, Beheira governorate, Egypt. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of soil mulching and foliar application of natural materials (Lisophos or nutrient elements compound) treatments as a preharvest treatments on yield, fruit quality and shelf-life of ''Anna'' apple trees. The experimental design was randomized complete block design with four replicates. Results indicated that soil mulching with polyethylene significantly increased vegetative growth and reproductive growth as fruit size, length, diameter, weight, yield per tree and total yield per feddan. Moreover, all treatments significantly, increased fruits chemical compositions as total soluble solids; total sugars percent, but decreased fruit juice acidity (%) as compared with control. On the other hand, Lisophos treatments, significantly, increased fruit firmness. Aluminum foil sheet treatment and the six foliar applications of natural materials, Lisophos or Landamine (nutrient elements compound) treatments, significantly, increased anthocyanin and fruit juice vitamin C content as compared with control. Concerning shelf-life parameters, it was noticed that Lisophos and nutrient elements compound treatments, significantly, decreased fruit weight loss percentage and increased fruit firmness after 12 days shelf-life. On the other hand, all treatments significantly increased total soluble solids, but decreased fruit juice acidity (%) after shelf-life as compared with control.
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