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Thnaa Mustafa Ezz; Bothina Mohmed Weheda; Mohmed Kadry Gaber; Aesha Abd El-Aziz. "Evaluation of Heavy Metals Contaminated Soil in Relation to Leaf Characteristics of Ficus nitida Leaves at Different Districts of Alexandria Governorate". Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 23, 3, 2018, 484-493.
Ezz, T., Weheda, B., Gaber, M., Abd El-Aziz, A. (2018). 'Evaluation of Heavy Metals Contaminated Soil in Relation to Leaf Characteristics of Ficus nitida Leaves at Different Districts of Alexandria Governorate', Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 23(3), pp. 484-493.
Ezz, T., Weheda, B., Gaber, M., Abd El-Aziz, A. Evaluation of Heavy Metals Contaminated Soil in Relation to Leaf Characteristics of Ficus nitida Leaves at Different Districts of Alexandria Governorate. Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches, 2018; 23(3): 484-493.
Evaluation of Heavy Metals Contaminated Soil in Relation to Leaf Characteristics of Ficus nitida Leaves at Different Districts of Alexandria Governorate
1Plant Production Dept. Faculty of Agriculture (Saba Basha) Alexandria University
2Hort. Res. Inst., Agricultural Research Center, Alexandria, Egypt
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